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Muscular men are seen as better leaders

A muscular physique could be an important asset when it comes to assessing leadership potential. One study found that physical strength is overwhelmingly equated with higher status and leadership qualities. In one experiment, groups of men and women — about 50-50 — were shown pictures of different men on a computer screen. Before seeing the photos, participants were told to rate the people recently hired by a new consultancy. The participants were asked to rate each subject according to how much they admired it, respected it, and believed it would rise in status. They were also asked questions such as, “Do you think this person would be a good leader?” and “How effective is this person at interacting with others in a group?”

"The able-bodied men in the photos were given a higher status because they are seen as leaders," said the researcher. “Our findings are consistent with a lot of real-life examples of strong men in positions of power.”

In another experiment, the researchers used Photoshop to switch between the muscular and less muscular men's bodies. For example, a head of a less muscular man was depicted on a muscular body, and vice versa. The result:the participants rated the less muscular men with photoshopped bodies higher in status and leadership qualities.

The last experiment focused on length. Again the men were photographed using Photoshop in three different setups. In total, each subject was manipulated to be shorter, taller, and/or level with the other men who appeared in the lineup. The participants' responses indicated that men of taller stature were perceived as stronger and higher in esteem and status, just like in the other experiments.