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Want to save money without leaving anything behind?

Time for saving tips that won't depress you. Saving tips that you don't dread, but that will only make you better. Because we now know that you save money by not going out for dinner, buying fewer shoes and skipping the holiday… we'll give you some tips that you might not have thought of!

Want to save money without leaving anything behind? Dinner out, dessert at home! Eating out is an absolute must-do for many people during the week. Enjoy a meal with friends or partner at a good restaurant. A dessert is only part of a complete evening out for dinner. But what if you no longer eat that dessert in the restaurant, but at home?

Use your electronics or turn it off!
Electronics in the house are working overtime. The TV runs all day long, even if you are browsing the internet on your smartphone or tablet. The lighting in the hall shines all day, even if you are not there. Agree with yourself that you think three times about all electronic devices before you start or switch them on. Does your kitchen lamp really have to be on all the time? Is your TV on standby all week while you only watch TV on Sunday evenings? Pay attention to this; it can save you tens of euros a year!

The 30-day rule!
Okay, this one is spicy. You have to stand strong for it. The 30-day rule is there to prevent impulse purchases. Do you see something beautiful (online or offline) that you would like to have, but do not necessarily need (luxury products)? Then you can only buy this from yourself after 30 days, provided you still want the item.
Want to save money without leaving anything behind?

Avoid premium brands, buy private labels!
Do you only like Coca Cola? Nonsense! Do not teach yourself this, but be open to B brands and private labels. Don't like Lidl's coke? Then perhaps that of the Aldi or house brand Plus. Agree with yourself not to buy any A-brand for a month. Nothing! Are there products that you really don't like from other (house) brands? Then you can switch back to the A-brands after that month. After such a month, a lot of good ideas will probably have arisen about buying B-brands and private labels; you get to know a lot of new things!